
紫外辐射增强对玉米地上部分与根系生长的影响比较 被引量:15

Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on the growth of aerial parts and root of maize
摘要 在大田试验条件下,运用t检验和紫外线反应指数,分析研究了UV-B辐射增加对玉米(Zea mays L.)地上部分和地下部分生长的影响,结果表明:UV-B辐射增加对玉米成苗期的地上部分和根系都有显著的影响,其中对根系的影响程度显著大于地上部;UV-B辐射增加对玉米苗期(三叶期前)的地上部分有显著的影响,而对根系的生长影响未达到显著水平。对于更全面地了解UV-B辐射增强对农作物的影响及其机理具有一定的参考价值。 Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on the growth of aerial parts and root of maize( Zea mays L. ) were investigated under the field experiment in this paper, by t-test and ultraviolet response index. Results show that at the grown stage, the growth of both the aerial parts and root of maize were decreased significantly by enhanced UV-B radiation, and the growth of root was restrained to a greater extent than that of top. The experiment also shows that at the stage of seedling, the growth of stems and leaves of maize were restrained significantly by enhanced UV-B radiation, but the growth of root were influenced to a much less extent than that of the aerial parts. The results indicated that at the grown stage, the growth of maize root was restrained significantly by enhanced UV-B, which might be attributed to the decreased available nutrition from the aerial parts. So this research results will helpful to find out the effect mechanism of ultraviolet on crop.
出处 《生态环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期323-326,共4页 Ecology and Environmnet
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40175029)
关键词 UV-B 玉米 根系 营养供应 UV-B maize root nutrient available
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