

Effect of Configuration of Flow Cells on the Microcolumn LC Performance
摘要 以检测灵敏度、柱效及拖尾因子等色谱性能参数为评价指标,系统考察了Z型检测池、垂直型检测池及泡型检测池的结构、光程及检测池体积等对微柱液相色谱性能的影响。结果表明Z型池的检测灵敏度最高,更适合微分析系统进样量小的特征。 Several types of flow cells including the Z-type, vertical on-column and bubble flow cells suitable for the microcolumn liquid chromatography(μ-LC) were studied in this paper. The chromatographic performances parameters, such as detection sensitivity, theoretical plate number and tailing factor of the μ-LC were used as evaluation indices to examine the effects of the configuration, optical path and cell volume of those flow cells on the performances of μ-LC. Experimental results showed that the Z-type flow cell was the most sensitive one, thus more suitable for μ-LC.
出处 《分析测试学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期261-263,266,共4页 Journal of Instrumental Analysis
基金 国家自然科学基金资助课题(20105006)
关键词 检测池 微柱液相色谱 分离性能 液相色谱 Flow cells Microcolumn liquid chromatography Separation efficiency HPLC
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