
带延迟反馈控制的二元机翼颤振稳定性分析 被引量:4

Flutter Stability Analysis for a Two-dimensional Wing with Time-delayed Feedback Control
摘要 研究了单自由度线性气动弹性系统在延迟反馈控制作用下的颤振稳定性特性。首先根据气动弹性系统的力学模型和控制方程,建立了带延迟反馈控制气动弹性系统的闭环反馈系统数学模型,利用Nyquist判据对系统进行了频域稳定性分析。进而采用根轨迹方法就反馈增益和延迟时间进行参数分析,获得系统的颤振稳定性边界。分析结果表明,延迟反馈会降低系统的颤振品质。在MATLAB/SIMULINK环境下进行了时域数值仿真,验证了频域理论分析结果的正确性。本文建立的分析方法可推广应用于带延迟反馈控制的多自由度气动弹性系统的颤振稳定性分析。 The paper studied the flutter stability of a single-DOF linear aeroelastic system with time-delayed feed-back control. Following the mechanical model and control equation of the aeroelastic system, it set up the mathematical model of its closed-loop feedback system, whose frequency stability was analyzed using the Nyquist criteria. Furthermore, it performed the parametric analysis in terms of feedback gains and delayed time using the root locus method, thus obtaining the system's flutter stability boundary. The analysis results indicate that the time-delay feedback may lower down its flutter quality. The numerical simulation of time domain with MATLAB/SIMULINK software verifies the correctness of the analysis results using the frequency domain theory. The analysis method proposed in the paper can be applied to the flutter stability analysis for a multi-DOF aeroelastic system with time-delayed feedback control.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期49-52,共4页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10672135) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目资助
关键词 延迟反馈控制 气动弹性系统 根轨迹 颤振稳定性 time-delayed feedback control aeroelastic system root locus flutter stability
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