改良生态足迹法从环境、水资源两方面入手,对传统生态足迹法进行了改进.在地理信息系统的支持下,利用改良生态足迹法对珠海2002年的生态足迹需求、供给和生态赢余进行了计算和分析,评估了珠海的可持续发展状况.结果表明:2002年珠海的生态足迹需求为3.492 8 hm2/人,供给为3.908 7 hm2/人,生态赢余为0.415 9 hm2/人,珠海的发展属于可持续性;其中水资源的生态足迹供给为0.635 8 hm2/人,需求为0.013 7 hm2/人,生态赢余为0.622 1 hm2/人;环境容量的生态足迹供给为3.489 5hm2/人,需求为1.526 8 hm2/人,生态赢余为1.962 7 hm2/人.使用传统生态足迹法的计算结果却为:生态足迹需求为1.952 3hm2/人,供给为0.316 4 hm2/人,生态赤字为1.635 9 hm2/人,珠海的发展属于不可持续性.而改良生态足迹法的计算结果更符合珠海的实际,对于其他城市的生态规划和建设也具有借鉴和参考价值.
Based on the environment and water resources, the traditional eco-footprint method was improved. Using the improved eco-footprint method to calculate and analyze the eco-footprint of Zhuhai City, Guangdong, in 2002, the sustainability of Zhuhai was assessed under the support of geographical information system. The eco-footprint demand of Zhuhai is 3.492 8 hm^2 per capita, the supply is 3.908 7 hm^2 per capita and the .ecological surplus is 0.415 9 hm^2 per capita. Statistics on the Zhuhai' s eco-footprint and eco-capacity in 2002 shows that development of the city falls into the category of "sustainable". The eco-footprint demand of water resource is 0.013 7 hm^2 per capita, the supply is 0.635 8 hm^2 per capita and the ecological surplus is 0.622 1 hm^2 per capita. The eco-footprint demand of environment capacity is 1.526 8 hm^2 per capita, the supply is 3.489 5 hm^2 per capita and the ecological surplus is 1.962 7 hm^2 per capita. Using the traditional ecofootprint method to calculate and analyze the eco-footprint of Zhuhai in 2002, the result is that the ecoootprint demand of Zhuhai is 1.952 3 hm^2 per capita, the supply is 0.316 4 hm^2 per capita and the ecological deficit is 1.635 9 hm2 per capita. The development of the city falls into the category of "unsustainable". The result with the improved eco-footprint method is similar to the reality and may provide references for ecological planning of other cities.
Research of Environmental Sciences
improved ecological footprint method
geographic information system (GIS)
sustainable development