Objective: To evaluated the curative effect of hemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for patients with a multiple myeloma (MM). Mehods: A retrospective analysis of 16 patients with a stage-Ⅲ Durine-Salmon multiple myeloma (MM), treated with HSCT, was conducted. Thirteen patients received autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). Besides, 2 patients with a primary and refractory symptom, 2 with a post-ASCT recurrence and 1 with high-risk MM received allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) from matched siblings, among which 4 received conventional myeloablative allogeneic transplantation. Therapeutic reactions to the transplantations were evaluated based on the criteria of NCI/SWOG (before 2004) and EBMT. Results: A total of 20 case-times of ASCT have been completed, without transplantation-related mortality (TRM). All patients have reaction of the AS-CT, with complete remission (CR) in 9 patients and partial remission (PR) in 4. After a 35-month median follow-up (ranging from 6 to 126 months) was conducted for 10 of the 13 patients with a response to chemotherapy before ASCT, and relapse/progression occurred in 3 patients, the median overall survival (OS) have not been obtained (beyond 35 months now [ranging from 6 to 119 months]) and the median event-free survival (EFS) reached 27 months. Relapse or progression occurred in 3 cases, with stable disease (SD) before ASCT, 11, 7 and 5 months after transplantation, respectively. In the Allo-SCT group, early TRM occurred in 1 cases after pretrealment, complete response (CR) in the other 3, and partial response (PR) in 1. One of the cases died of acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and seri-ous pneumonia 4 months after transplantation, and survival rates of the other 3 were 39, 41 and 14 months, respectively, among which EFS remained in the last patient. Conclusion: Our data shows that the ASCT is a safe and feasible treatment on the MM, which can significantly prolong the EFS and OS. Although ASCT is a useful salvage therapy for refractory MM, the EFS is transient. Thalidomide-based treatment, before and after ASCT, can improve the OR, PFS and OS. Allo-SCT may have a good therapeutic reaction on the patients with high-risk, relapse and refractory symptoms.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology
Multiple myeloma Autologous transplantation Allotransplantation