
红皮梨育种研究报告 被引量:30

Report on Breeding Red-skinned Chinese Pear Varieties
摘要 通过对以红皮梨“火把梨”为杂交亲本之一的5个组合637株杂种后代的观察研究看出:果实大小的遗传倾向与作者及其他一些研究者过去提出的“梨杂种后代果实平均大小大多小于亲中值”的结论不相一致;果形的遗传倾向表现为卵形对扁圆和长圆形为显性,雪花梨的纺锤形果形遗传力很强;果实色泽的遗传倾向表现为褐、黄、黄绿对红色均为显性,红色出现的比例为9.2%(廿世纪×火把梨)和33.3%〔鸭梨×火把梨);果实风味的遗传表现为甜对酸为明显显性,但在廿世纪x火把梨的后代中则酸占优势。根据杂种综合性状选出的92-2和59-49(均为幸水x火把梨的后代)两个优系果实品质优于与其同期成热的新水和幸水;红色优系74-32、74-35和68-40(幸水x火把梨)果大、色泽鲜艳、品质优、耐贮。 This was a cooperative programme between the author and the Horticulture and Food Research institute of New Zealand Ltd. , A Crown Research institute , and supported by the New Zealand Apple and Pear Mar- keting Board. Two set of cross combinations were made in 1986 and 1989. The parentage varieties used were Xuehuali , Yali , Kosui , Nijisseiki , Huobali and Red Bartlett. The Huobali is a local variety grown in Yunnan and South Sichuan , China , which has a very pretty red-skin. Seedlings were raised at Havelock North and Riwalca Research Centres of HortResearch . New Zealand. Studies on the inheritance trends of fruit characteristics showed : 1. the inheritance of fruit size was not in accordance with the hypothesis that the mean fruit weight of the progeny is smaller than the mean figure of the parentage varieties; 2. the oval fruit shape was dominant to oblate and elongate-round ; 3. the brown , yel- low and yellowish-green color were all dominant to red , and 4. the sweet flavor was dominant to sour , while the combination of Nijisseiki (sweet ) ×Huobali (sour ) was exceptional, The red-slcinned (bluish or solid red ) seedlings of the crossed progenies of Huobali could reach 9. 2 % to 33. 3% . The fruit eating quality of the selection 59 -- 49 (Kosui× Huobali) obtained from this programmer was much better than that of Kosui ; the selection 68 - 40 (Kosui× Huobali ) has a large fruit size , with a bright red skin color , best eating quality and with long storage-life and shelf-life ; The selection 74 - 32 and 74 - 35 (Kosui× Huobali ) boeh not only have best eating quality, but also have a very pretty appearance.
作者 王宇霖
出处 《果树科学》 CSCD 北大核心 1997年第2期71-76,共6页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 新西兰苹果 梨销售理事会资助
关键词 色泽遗传 红皮梨 杂交育种 Pear breeding inheritance of color Red-skinned chinese pear varieties
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