
自行车运动员公路训练中补液对血液与尿液中水合状态指标的影响 被引量:2

Changes of the Hydration Index in Blood and Urine During Road Exercise of Cyclist When Consuming Water
摘要 目的:在热环境下进行公路训练时,观察运动员血液与尿液中水合状态指标的变化,研究液体补充对运动员机体水合状态的影响。方法:选取9名自行车运动员进行2次试验,2次试验的间隔为2周。第1次运动员参加正常的公路训练(训练时间150min,路程为100km),在训练中不允许补液。第2次参加相同的训练,但在训练中允许补液。在训练前、训练后0.5h以及训练后6h,称量体重收集血样和尿样,测试血浆渗透压(Posm)、尿渗透压(U-osm)和尿比重(Usg)。训练后的6h之内,可自由补充水分和进食。结果:不补液时,训练后0.5h运动员平均脱水2.71±1.15%。和训练前相比,训练后0.5h的Posm(P=0.004<0.05)和Uosm(P=0.035<0.05)都显著上升,Usg值也上升但没有显著性。训练后6h,Posm下降,而Uosm和Usg上升,Uosm和训练前相比有显著性差异(P=0.008<0.05)。补液组的运动员训练后0.5h平均脱水0.95±0.51%。和训练前相比,训练后0.5h Posm、Uosm和Usg值虽都有上升,但都没有显著性差异。训练后6h Posm值低于训练前,而Uosm和Usg则继续升高。结论:(1)在运动员训练中Posm是监控运动员机体水合状态的灵敏指标;(2)训练前后运动员的体重差异也是反映运动员身体水合状态变化的简单实用指标;(3)摄入含电解质食物后的尿液指标(Uosm、Usg)不能反映运动员身体水合状态的变化;(4)一旦发生运动脱水,在6h内自由补液不能恢复到正常的水合状态。 Purpose: We observed the changes of blood and urine and effects of fluid ingestion on hydration status during road exercise in the hot environment. Methods: Nine cycling athletes attended two trials at two week intervals. For the first time, they attended normal road exercise ( time: 150 minute, distance: 100 kilometers ) and permitted not to consume fluids. Secondly, they allowed to consume fluids, we quantified weights ,collected bloods and urine and tested Posm,Uosm and Usg at pre-exercise, post-exercise and six hours of post-exercise. They allowed to consume water and have a super during six recovery .Results:The average dehydration of cycling athletes who did not consume water is 2.71± 1.15%.Comparing to pre-exercise, Posm of athletes who didn' t consume water increased significantly ( P=0.004〈0.05 ) after exercise. Uosm and Usg increased. Posm didn' t come back to pre-exercise at six hours of post-exercise. Uosm and Usg increased comparing to pre-exercise. The average dehydration of cycling athletes consumed water is 0.95± 0.51% .Cornparing to pre-exercise, Posm, Uosm and Usg increased, but have no significantly discrepancy. Posm decreased while Uosm and Usg increased at six hours of post-exercise comparing to pre-exercise. Conclusion: 1.Posm is an accurate index on assessing hydration status during exercise.2.The changes of weights is also a simple and practical index on assessing hydration status .3. Uosm and Usg couldn' t reflect the changes of hydration of athletes at immediate post-exercise.4.Once dehydration happened; it can' t resume dehydration status during six hours.
出处 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第1期6-10,共5页 Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science
关键词 公路自行车运动员 训练 补液 水合状态 road racers exercise fluid ingestion hydration status
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