
汉语句内代词所指解读的语用学视角 被引量:4

Interpreting pronominal reference in Chinese sentences:A pragmatic perspective
摘要 我们认为,语句中超出经典“约束论”(Chomsky 1981)所定义的约束语域之外的(第3人称)代词用法应以语用学理论解释。本文试图用“广义会话含意理论”有关原则(Levinson 2000)分析汉语句内代词的这种用法。自然语篇当中出现的单重或双(多)重代词所指,都是有理可据的。研究表明,对于汉语代词在语句中的用法,我们只有从语用学角度进行分析,才能给以它更充分可信的解释。本文最后归纳了汉语句内代词所指解读的三条普遍性语用策略。 This paper argues that pragmatic theories should be employed to explain intra-sentential reference of(third person)pronouns occurring outside the binding domain as defined in the classic Binding Theory(Chomsky 1981).Such pronominal reference in Chinese sentences is singled out for analysis in light of some principles of the Theory of Generalized Conversational Implicature(Levinson 2000).In naturally occurring discourse the pronominal reference,whether appearing in one or two(or more)co-reference links,is motivated pragmatically.It thus follows that Chinese pronouns used in sentences can be better accounted for from a pragmatic perspective.Three general pragmatic strategies can help in the interpretation of pronominal reference in Chinese sentences:(1)approaching cases of reference with one pronoun versus one potential antecedent within a sentence,(2)capturing reference facts concerning one pronoun versus(over)two potential antecedents,and(3)interpreting constructions involving two or more chains of co-reference between nominal expressions.
作者 刘礼进
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期135-143,共9页 Modern Foreign Languages
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