
儿童对普通话中否定词的早期获得 被引量:17

Early child language acquisition of negative words in Mandarin Chinese
摘要 本研究根据对3名儿童跟踪所获语料,分别从词汇、句法和语义三个角度考察了儿童早期对普通话中否定词的获得过程。词汇方面,讨论了操普通话的儿童获得否定词的次序以及形成原因。语义方面,报告了其主要否定概念的始现时间和使用频率,发现了其早期语义发展的特点,并讨论了语义获得与句法获得之间的关系。句法方面,总结了儿童自发使用的否定结构和使用频率,分析了结构由简到繁的变化过程及成因,并提出了儿童开始对否定辖域和否定焦点敏感的大致时间和证据。 This study,which was based on the longitudinal data from three Mandarin-speaking children in Beijing,aims to explore the process in which they acquire negatives in relation to lexical,semantic and syntactic categories in Mandarin at early stages.Discussion of the results revolves around three issues:(1)the lexical development of negative words in child language and their acquisition order;(2)the semantic development and its relationship with syntactic development,including the time when negative concepts first appear and the frequency with which these concepts are used;(3)the syntactic development in terms of the spontaneous use of negative structures and their frequency.It was found that as the children's linguistic and conceptual knowledge of negation improved,the complexity of syntactic structures also increased.The progression of syntactic structures from 'bu-v' to 'V-bu-COMP' evidenced children's sensitivity to the scope and focus of negation.
作者 范莉
机构地区 北京林业大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期144-154,共11页 Modern Foreign Languages
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