无线宽带的接入需要目前计算环境提供对固定IP网络主机移动性的支持.一方面,互联网工程专门小组(IETF,Internet Engineering Task Force)在现有IP协议的基础上设计了一种支持主机漫游的网络层协议—Mobile IP;另一方面,作为一种高效的多点通信方式,IP组播在固定IP网络中提供了支持分布式多媒体应用和海量数据传送的机制.以移动IP作为路由协议面向移动主机提供组播机制是一个极具理论和实践意义的研究课题.在对相关文献进行深入研究的基础上,提出了一个新的解决方案,与现有移动IP组播机制仿真试验结果的比较表明,在相同环境下具有较小的资源开销和较高的效率,从而提供更好的网络服务质量(QoS Quality of Service)保证.
The wire band wireless access calls for the provision from nowadays computed environment of host mobility in mobile IP network. One hand, IETF has standardized IP mobility support which provides for transparent mobility based on current IP protocol, on the other hand, being a multipoint communication scheme, IP multicast can support distributed multimedia application and transport of gigantic data in traditional fixed network. Thus it is a great challenge to provide multicast to mobile hosts using Mobile IP as network routing support. In this paper, after deep investigation in the existing relative literatures, we bring forward a new solution and describe the scheme in detail. At last, we describe our experience and the results obtained from our test are compared with those from current approaches, by which we testify our new scheme bears high efficiency since it consume less resource under the same circumstance, in that it can supply a higher QoS guarantee.
Henan Science