
基于H_∞滤波器和负荷观测器复合补偿的轧机主传动振荡抑制方法 被引量:1

H_∞ filter and load observer based complex compensative control for vibration suppression in the 2-mass motor drive system of a rolling mill
摘要 对双环传动的轧机两质量模型进行理论分析并结合工程实际,提出了一种基于H∞滤波器和负荷观测器复合补偿的轧机主传动振动抑制新方法.在负荷观测器系统基础上,通过求解LMI的EVP问题来构造H∞滤波器得到轧辊速度观测值,并据此构造轧辊速度反馈环.较之传统状态观测器和负荷观测器法,该方法放宽了使用观测器的假设条件,将基于负荷观测器和状态观测器的补偿有机结合,实现了电机和轧辊速度的综合振荡抑制.仿真结果表明,与传统负荷观测器方法相比,该方法对电机和轧辊速度同时具有较好的振荡抑制效果. A vibration suppressing approach for the rolling mill drive system was put forward, which adopt the complex compensative control based on H∞ filter and load observer, on the analysis of a two-mass electrometrical model with two-loop drive and engineering practice. Besides the conventional load observer loop, a pseudo roller speed loop was added by means of the roll speed observer value from Hoo filter constructed by soling the EVP problem of LMI. Compared with the conventional state observer and load observer method, the proposed method loosed the suppose condition of the conventional observer method, and combine the compensations from the load observer and state observer to accomplish integrated vibration attenuation of the motor and roller. Simulation proved that the method achieved better vibration attenuation effect on both the motor and roller than the traditional load observer method.
出处 《北京科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期513-518,共6页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing
关键词 轧机 主传动 振动 补偿控制 H∞滤波器 负荷观测器 rolling mill main drive vibration compensative control H∞ filter load observer
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