
山地水平沟小麦增产规律的研究 被引量:1

Studies on Yield Increase Laws of Winter Cultivated by Level Furrows in Mountain Land
摘要 通过1987、1988两年试验证明:山坡地水平沟种植小麦增产作用显著,亩产比平播增产7%以上,采用机械带肥播种或畜犁开沟施肥溜籽播种,出苗整齐,亩基本苗比平播田多33.3%。水平沟小麦播种时施肥集中,沟垄拦蓄降水,0—40cm土壤含水量高于平播田2.2—0.2%,0—10cm地温高于平播田0.83℃—0.07℃。水平沟小麦春发能力增强,春季亩总茎数高出平播田9.1%,干物质积累量高出平播田60.3%,亩成穗数高出平播田2.6%,穗粒数高出平播1.3个,千粒重增重0.9克。在10°,14°,22.7°三种坡度分别采取三种行距规格播种,小麦亩产量随坡度增大和播种行距的加宽呈正相关。亩施肥N2.5+P1.25公斤,N3.5+P1.75公斤,N4.5+P2.25公斤,施肥量同亩产呈正相关,亩产增长率高达49.75%,其中以亩施N2.5+P1.25公斤产出效益最好,边际产值最高。这种投肥水平,在渭北旱原和黄土高原丘陵沟壑地区具有广泛的推广应用价值。 Two years experiments in the years 1987-1988 proved that weat cultivatedby level furrows in sloping land had a remarkable yield increase with a yieldincrease fo 7% per mu higher than level cultivation.Wheat planted by wheatseeder with fertilizer applied or animal pulling plow to open furrows withfertilizer added to and seeds planted has a uniform seed emergence.Per mubasic seedlings are 33.3% higher than those by level planting.When levelfurrow planting wheat was carried out,fetrilizer application was concentrated.Riges and furrows can check and store rainfall water.Thus,moisture contentsin 0-40 cm are 2.2-0.2% higher than that in level planting field.And soiltemperature in 0-10 cm soil layer is 0.85℃-0.07℃ higher than that in levelplanting field.Spring tillering adility of wheat in level furrow field isstrengthened Total stems per mu in spring are 9.1% higher than those inlevel planting wheat field;dry matter accumulation is 60.3%higher than thatin the levelplanting wheat field;permu ears are 2.6% higher than those in thelevel planting wheat field;grains per ear is 1.3 higher in the level plantingwheat fields;and 1000 grain weight increases 0.9 gram.Three kinds of spacesare adopted to plant winter wheat in three types of sloping lands with 10°,14°,and 22.7℃.Wheat yield is in positive correlation with increasing slopes andwidening spaces.Per mu fertilizer added to is N2.5+P1.25kg,N3.5+P1.75kg,N4.5+P2.25kg.Fertilizer application is also in positive correlation with per muyield.Per mu yield increase rate reaches 49.25%,of which N2.5+P1.25kgapplied to per mu produces the best outputs with a marginal productive value.This kind of fertilizer input level is of extensively great values of extensionon the Weibei Highland and in hilly and gully regions on the Loess Plateau.
作者 王天义
出处 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1990年第1期33-42,共10页 Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
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