研究印鉴图像姿势纠正及印鉴匹配处理问题.在研究 Delaunay 三角剖分方法与多边形三角剖分方法的基础上,提出一种基于 DT 网格的印鉴识别方法.该方法通过对两种细节点(基于线条的细节点和基于多边形的细节点)的拓扑结构进行 DT 三角划分.用 Delaunay 三角剖分方法对基于线条的细节点集进行三角剖分,对基于多边形的细节点直接进行多边形三角剖分.通过对两种细节点的拓扑结构进行三角划分,把空间上位置相近的细节点按照三角剖分的规则相连,得到 DT 三角形网格.然后基于该网格寻找若干参考点对,并根据获得的参考点对将两幅印鉴图像进行姿势调整.实验结果表明该方法可以获得较多的参考点,确保印鉴旋转、印鉴平移等参数计算结果的准确性,有效提高最终的识别效果.
The gesture adjustment and the match of the seal image are studied. An approach for the seal image matching based on DT grid is proposed. After the topological structures of two minutiae which are based on line and polygon are triangulated and the minutiae taken from the template and the query seal images are joined , the DT grid is gained . Firstly , the Delaunay point set triangulation cutting algorithm is used to triangulate the minutiae based on line , while the polygon triangulation cutting algorithm is employed to triangulate the minutiae based on polygon. Then the reference junction pairs are obtained by searching two trigonal nets. Finally, the query seal image is adjusted according to the templated seal image with parameters computed from the reference junction pairs and the match score is caculated using a simply match algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed method gets more reference points and the accuracy of rotating and translating parameters of the seal imprint is also ensured.
Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence