

Study of Scale Economy in China's Commercial Banks
摘要 中国银行业改革的不同思路和途径均涉及银行规模经济问题,但国内理论界对银行规模经济研究的文献并不多见,因此就银行改革问题提出的许多建议和对策往往缺乏坚实的理论和实证支持。这就需要在广泛借鉴国内外对银行业规模经济研究文献的基础上,采用超越对数成本函数的对揭法对中国不同类型商业银行的规模经济现状进行考察,其实证结果发现,国有商业银行的规模经济显著而股份制商业银行存在轻微的规模不经济,这一结论为中国银行业的改革和发展提供了新的解决思路和方法。 The scale economy is an issue for each and every guideline and approach concerning the reform of China's commercial banks. So far there is not adequate research in China's theoretical field on scale economy in banks and as a result, a number of suggestions and countermeasures for bank reforms often lack solid theoretical and empirical support. This article, by referring to the research literatures home and abroad on scale economy in banks, uses translog cost function to survey the current status of the scale economy in China's various commercial banks. The conclusion is that there is distinct scale economy in state-owned commercial banks but slight scale diseconomy in joint-stock commercial banks. Therefore this article offers new guidehne and approach to reform and develop banks in China.
作者 王升
出处 《河北经贸大学学报》 2007年第3期38-44,共7页 Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business
关键词 商业银行 规模经济 模型 commercial banks scale economy model
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