
欧盟如何向外扩展民主:历史、特点和个案分析 被引量:5

How the European Union Expands Democracy:History,Characteristics,and Cases
摘要 同国内大量的美国促进全球民主化的研究比起来,研究欧洲地区特别是欧盟推动民主化的文献非常匮乏。实际上,所谓民主“第三波”的起源发生在欧洲。作者介绍了二战后欧盟向外推广民主的历史,并通过同美国做比较,分析欧洲向外推广民主的特点,认为目前世界上存在着“美式输出民主”和“欧式扩展民主”两种推广民主的模式,并以2004年乌克兰发生的“橙色革命”为例,具体阐明欧盟扩展民主的特点及其产生的效果。 In comparison with the many studies of how the United States promotes global democracy,the literature on the role of the European countries,especially the European Union in this process,is quite limited.However,the so-called “third wave of democracy” originated in Europe.In this article,the author first provides a brief background to the history of the EU's democratic expansion after World War II.By comparing it with that of the United States,the author analyzes the characteristics of promoting democracy by the EU,and concludes that there are two models to promote global democracy--the “American way of exporting democracy” and the “European way of expanding democracy,” with the case study of the 2004 Ukraine “Orange Revolution” as an example.
作者 赵晨
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期14-21,共8页 World Economics and Politics
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