几年前,当我的家还是在纽约,而不是机场候机室,我尝试描述力奇·伊昂·格顿(Ricky Ian Gordon)的歌曲组曲的风格给一位编辑,一位对音乐剧的来龙去脉无所不知,对歌剧却完全摸不着头脑的编辑。她听到这位作曲家的名字时,耳朵好像竖起来一样,令我有点惊讶。'他就是这群……'她呼喊着。我等待她说更得具体点。'你知道的,力奇·伊昂·格顿。
A few years ago, back when I lived in New York instead of airport lounges, I found myself trying to describe a collection of songs by Ricky Ian Gordon to an editor who knew everything there was to know about Broadway but practically nothing about opera. Surprisingly, her ears perked up at the mention of his name. "He's one of those guys!" she exclaimed. I waited for something a little more concrete. "You know," she urged. "Ricky Ian Gordon, Jason Robert Brown, Michael John LaChiusa." She paused again, hoping to avoid getting caught up in musical terminology she didn't understand. "You know, one of those composers with three names."