Rupert Murdoch's 5bn USD offer for the Wall Street Journal was spurned by the paper recently. As one of the most prestigious business and finance media, and widely regarded as a commentary on the American economy, WSJ didn't take kindly the possibility of ownership by someone responsible for American Idol and the infamous tabloid New York Post. Reuters is facing the same predicament, Canada's Thomson Corp is in talks to buy the Group for a rumored 8.8 billion pounds (S17.6 billion) creating the world's biggest news and financial data company. A fact is, however hard to accept, that traditional media is loosing ground, even for those on top of their game and tracitional media corporations. They are becoming acquisition targets. In Aug 2006, the Economist was asking,Who Killed The Newspaper? Result of their analysis is that paper based media is losing to the Internet. Readers are moving in droves from paper to the Internet. Financial Times and New York Times have seen where things are going, of course. These industry leaders on the strength of content quality and are striving to improve their online form to stave off the new media groups who are circling and ready with buyout offers. The good old days seem to have gone forever.
China Internet Week