随着各类露天矿山边破的加高和加陡,边坡存在发生整体坍塌、破坏的风险,严重威胁人员和设备的安全。通过建立蒙特卡洛(Montle Carlo)随机模型,进行模拟试验,得到某露天矿边坡的整体破坏概率,为该矿露天矿边坡控制措施决策提供了依据。
Along with the increase of slope height and overall slope angle in all kinds of open pit mine, the problem of slope stability stand out. The article brings the Montle Carlo simulation method into the cal culating process in sliding probability of rock slopes. Creating a simulate model , we can simplify the com plex dimensional conditions and temporal course to be a simply integrative parameter , by simulative tests, we can get the sliding probability out for the decision-making of control steps.
China Mining Magazine