Since mankind has entered modern socity,people have been exploiting andusing natural resources and the scale and velocity of exploitation and utili-zation have been no example since the beginning of recorded history becauseof the astonishing development of population and the tremendous growth ofrequirement of means of livelihood. The environmental popllution and thewreck of ecosystem have become the global problem. Therefor, the researchof population and resources, environment has been extremely urgent. The potential carrying population capacity and actual bearing capacity ofpopulation are the concrete reflection on the problem of population,resourcesand environment. The carrying population capacity depends on the resources. The exploita-tion and utilization, and their level, scale, velocity influence the carryingcapacity directly. Generally, the natural resources determine the food produc-tion. Sunlight, heat, water, soil, climate, the abundance and lack of naturalresources,and the matching relation with crop growth determine the food out-put,Food is the controued factor.which is also the most essential and impor-tant. In this paper, through the analysis cf technique progress, balance be-tween water and land,natural conditions, grasslands resources, crop resourcesand the condition of social economy etc.and by means of Synergetics, FractalGeometry, Fuzzysets, Dicision Analysis, Goal programming and other mathe-matic methods, we simulate the model of carrying population capacity oncomputer and forecast the population size.the west of Yellow River in Gansucan support in the year 1990, 2000 and the limit, on the living standardof dressing warmly and eating one's fill, comparatively well--off standard,and scientifically nourishing standard respectively. Further, according to thereal population characteristic, we calculate the population of this region inthe yaar of 1990, 2000 and 2050 by means of the random model and put for-ward some scientific proposals with strategic importance.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment