Aim. The full paper starts with a review of relevant papers^[1-7] concerning raising data rate and lowering bit error rate (BER) of spread spectrum UAC. We now propose a new method, called by us MSS-OFDM(M-ary Spread Spectrum OFDM), that is, we believe, better. In the full paper, we explain our new method in detail; in this abstract, we just list the three topics of explanation and add some pertinent remarks. The first topic is: spread spectrum OFDM. The second topic is: MSS-OFDM. In topic 2, thinking again and again over our successful lake tests respectively of spread spectrum UAC and OFDM UAC, we give the outline of MSS-OFDM. Also in topic 2, we implement the parallel transmission of spread spectrum by using OFDM in our MSS-OFDM method. Still in topic 2, eq. (6) in the full paper can be used to calculate the data rate, which is raised by our MSS-OFDM method. Topic 3 is : the performance analysis of BER. In topic 3, the BER equation of MSS-OFDM in AWGN (additive white Gaussian noise) channel is derived by us as eq. (9) in the full paper. Also in topic 3, computer simulation results agree fairly well with those computed with eq. (9). Still in topic 3, computer simulation results using multi-path channel model based on lake test data show preliminarily that MSS-OFDM has double anti-muhipath capability. Finally, to sum up, MSS-OFDM can significantly improve the data rate of spread spectrum UAC with a robust BER performance even without cycle prefix.
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University