鄂尔多斯高原,干旱多风,水源贫乏,生态环境脆弱,由于不合理的利用, 全区沙漠化及东部的水土流失,西部的草场退化都很严重。整治措施:牧林为 主,种草种树;综合治理沙漠与水土流失;合理利用草原;粮草轮作;解决群 众的能源,煤矿的开采要与草原的恢复相结合。 鄂尔多斯高原位于内蒙古自治区的西南部,宁夏平原之东,河套平原之南,东北至黄河,东与南至长城。在行政区划上基本属于伊克昭盟。
In the Erdos Plateau, the precipitation is slight and variable, the windis strong and frequent, the water resources are limited and the ecologicalenvironment is fragile, Because of human beings' improper utilization,landdesertification threatens all the areas of the plateau; the soil erosion in theeast and the grassland degradation in the west are serious. The improvement measures proposed are as follows: to use animal husbandry and forest research to control plants, grass and trees to control desert and soil erosion comprehensivly to utilize the grassland rationally to rotate crops and grasses to solve the problems of energy for the masses to combine the exploitation of coal and the renewalof the grassland.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment