
沥青混合料路面离析原因研究 被引量:12

Segregation Causes for Asphalt Pavements
摘要 基于沥青混合料均匀性指标,结合现场资料,对沥青混合料路面在施工过程中产生离析的部分原因,如:集料堆放、摊铺机选择、混合料运输等展开定量的研究。研究结果表明:集料堆放的不当、摊铺机选择的不当以及混合料的运输过程等都会对沥青混合料路面均匀性产生影响,造成路面的离析。对此,提出了相应的预防对策,即集料堆放在平整、坚硬的场地上,避免相互混杂和雨水的流入;应先择半幅摊铺机;尽可能减少沥青混合料的运输距离。 Based on the index of homogeneity of asphalt mixture and the data from field survey, partial segregation causes for asphalt pavements during construction, such as aggregate stockpile, asphalt paver selection and conveyance of asphalt mixture were quantitatively investigated. The research results show that improper aggregate stockpile, inappropriate asphalt paver selection and conveyance of asphalt mixture all influence homogeneity of asphalt pavements and can give rise to segregation. Finally corresponding preventive countermeasures against segregation were put forward, i. e. aggregate should be on flat and rigid ground to avoid intermixing of different batches and water intrusion; half width paver should be selected; and the mixture delivery distance should be reduced as much as possible.
作者 彭勇 孙立军
出处 《公路交通科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期67-70,共4页 Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development
关键词 道路工程 沥青混合料路面 定量分析 离析原因 均匀性指标 预防对策 road engineering asphalt pavement quantitative analysis segregation cause index of homogeneity preventive counter measure
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