Objective: To investigate the involvement of macrophages in the proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells in vascular remodeling. Mothoda: The model of arteriogenesis induced by artery-vein shunt in rabbit was used. The animals were killed after survival for one week, then the remodeling of iliac arterial vessels were studied in a serial sections by elastica van Gieson staining and confocal immunofluorescence using specific antibodies against RAM11 (macrophage marker) and ki67 (cell proliferation marker). Results: A large amount of macrophages were found accumulated in the adventitia in the remodeling vessels, also presented in the tuniea media. Thesmooth muscle cells irregularily arranged. In the regions where macrophages were accumulated, the proliferation of smooth muscle cell was evident, and the degradation of elastic fibers was also found. Conclusions: The data suggests that the invaded macrophages mediate vascular remodeling during arteriogenesis through producing growth factors and the enzymes for degradation of extracellular matrix to faciliate cell prolferation and migration.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy