Magnetically stabilized beds are packed beds subjected to fluid-driven deformation and controlled by magnetically induced interparticle forces. This paper deals with magnetically stabilized beds as deformable porous media and describes their application in dust filtration. The Richardson-Zaki scaling law, U/Ut = ε^n describes the field controlled bed expansion via the exponent n, that yields a porosity-dependent flow length scale dc = dpε^n. The paper addresses two issues: (i) deformation characteristics by assuming homogeneous bed expansion and a definition of bed variable flow length scale; (ii) dust filtration characteristics such as filter coefficient, specific deposit and filtration efficiency expressed in terms of the variable flow length scale and illustrated by experimental data.
Magnetically stabilized beds are packed beds subjected to fluid-driven deformation and controlled by magnetically induced interparticle forces. This paper deals with magnetically stabilized beds as deformable porous media and describes their application in dust filtration. The Richardson-Zaki scaling law, U/Ut = ε^n describes the field controlled bed expansion via the exponent n, that yields a porosity-dependent flow length scale dc = dpε^n. The paper addresses two issues: (i) deformation characteristics by assuming homogeneous bed expansion and a definition of bed variable flow length scale; (ii) dust filtration characteristics such as filter coefficient, specific deposit and filtration efficiency expressed in terms of the variable flow length scale and illustrated by experimental data.