A mode for the periodicity and weakening surge in semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switches is proposed based on the transferred-electron effect. It is shown that the periodicity and weakening surge is caused by the interaction between the self-excitation of the resonant circuit and transferred electron oscillation of the switch. The bias electric field (larger than Gunn threshold) across the switch is modulated by the AC elec-tric field,when the instantaneous bias electric field E is swinging below Gunn electric field threshold ET but grea-ter than the sustaining field Es (the minimum electric field required to support the domain) at the time of the do-main reaching the anode, and then the delayed-dipole domain mode of switch is obtained. It is the photon-activated carriers that satisfy the requirement of charge domain formation on carrier concentration and device length prod-uct of 10^12 cm^-2,and the semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switch is essentially a type of pho-ton-activated charge domain device.