
背景辐射对HgCdTe中波叠层光导器件噪声的影响 被引量:2

Influence of Background Radiation on a Medium-Wave HgCdTe Photoconductive Detector with Overlap Structure
摘要 研究了HgCdTe中波叠层光导器件在不同背景辐射条件下的性能变化,设计了增加冷光栏和使用不同温度的黑体对器件进行辐照的两种改变背景辐射的实验方案.结果表明,随着背景辐射的减小,器件的测量噪声亦减小.利用非平衡载流子和器件有效寿命理论对器件的产生复合噪声进行了计算,计算结果与实验结果在随背景辐射变化的趋势上相似.进一步的噪声频谱测量表明,1/f噪声是叠层器件噪声随背景辐射变化的主要原因;而叠层结构中存在的边缘接触不对称MIS结构增大了背景辐射变化对1/f噪声的影响. The influence of background radiation on a medium-wave HgCdTe photoconductive detector with an overlap struc-ture is studied. In the experiment design, two methods are put forward to change the background radiation. It is found that the detector noise decreases with the decrease of the background radiation. The g-r noise is calculated from the number of carriers and lifetime theory. It is shown that the calculation result has the same trend as the experimentally observed phenom-ena. Further noise spectrum measurement shows that 1/f noise is the primary factor that causes the detector noise to change with background radiation. The edge contacts' asymmetrical MIS structure increases the effect of background radiation on the 1/f noise.
出处 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期958-962,共5页 半导体学报(英文版)
关键词 HGCDTE 叠层结构 背景辐射 噪声 HgCdTe overlap structure baCkground radiation noise
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