Heaven-human-earth Pattern (HHE) regarded as a crucial conception of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been applied extensively in TCM diagnostics, etiology, acupuncture therapeutics, materia medica and herbal formula, etc. It associates closely with Chinese classic cosmology. Since ancient time of China, many cosmic phenomena have been introduced to prove or illustrate TCM theories. Moreover, the five-element theory has been proven to be in keeping with some modern approaches of life provenance and life evolution. As a result, Chinese materia medica develops in a way of a pure natural medicine. It is of great significance that by realizing the natural features, the public nowadays can understand TCM better in its scientific connotations.
Heaven-human-earth Pattern (HHE) regarded as a crucial conception of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been applied extensively in TCM diagnostics, etiology, acupuncture therapeutics, materia medica and herbal formula, etc.It associates closely with Chinese classic cosmology. Since ancient time of China, many cosmic phenomena have been introduced to prove or illustrate TCM theories. Moreover, the five-element theory has been proven to be in keeping with some modern approaches of life provenance and life evolution. As a result, Chinese materia medica develops in a way of a pure natural medicine. It is of great significance that by realizing the natural features, the public nowadays can understand TCM better in its scientific connotations.