目的了解农村地区艾滋病患者和感染者的社会支持现状。方法通过对河南省某县农村地区的艾滋病患者和感染者及其家属、乡村干部、乡村医生进行个人访谈来了解当地社会支持现状。结果各类人群对艾滋病知识的掌握比以前有所提高,H IV感染对被感染者本人及其家庭带来了精神痛苦和经济困难,社会支持除了来自家庭内部外,家庭外支持特别是政府支持也相对充分。结论艾滋病防治相关的社会支持与卫生服务已有明显改善,但仍应进一步提高。
Objective To investigate the condition of rural HIV/AIDS society support. Methods The personal conversation was taken with the HIV/AIDS patients or virus carriers and their families ,leaders of the village,doctors of the village. Results The knowledge of HIV/AIDS was much more than before in different class, HIV/AIDS infection bring miserable and poverty to the patients and their families, while the support was abundant especially those from the government. Conclusion The society support and medical care of HIV/AIDS was improved clearly, however, more ways still should be taken.
Journal of Medical Forum