This paper is concerned with stable solutions of time domain integral equation (TDIE) methods for transient scattering problems with 3D conducting objects. We use the quadratic B-spline function as temporal basis functions, which permits both the induced currents and induced charges to be properly approximated in terms of completeness. Because the B-spline function has the least support width among all polynomial basis functions of the same order, the resulting system matrices seem to be the sparsest. The TDIE formula-tions using induced electric polarizations as unknown function are adopted and justified. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed approach is accurate and efficient, and no late-time instability is observed.
This paper is concerned with stable solutions of time domain integral equation (TDIE) methods for transient scattering problems with 3D conducting objects. We use the quadratic B-spline function as temporal basis functions, which permits both the induced currents and induced charges to be properly approximated in terms of completeness. Because the B-spline function has the least support width among all polynomial basis functions of the same order, the resulting system matrices seem to be the sparsest. The TDIE formula-tions using induced electric polarizations as unknown function are adopted and justified. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed approach is accurate and efficient, and no late-time instability is observed.