
四川广元、绵阳出土汉代画像砖掌印纹的痕检学分析 被引量:2

Dactylographic Analysis in the Palm's Moulage on the Decorated Bricks of Han Dynasty unearthed from Guangyuan and Mianyang, Sichuan province
摘要 1999—2003年,巴蜀汉陶艺术博物馆陆续征集和收藏了一批汉代画像砖,其大小尺寸和画像题材与四川地区过去所出者大同小异。值得注意的是,在这批画像砖中,有一部分捺印有人手掌印痕纹。类似的材料,过去有发现,但大量成批集中出土,还是第一次。 Totally 84 decorated bricks with palms' moulage of Eastern Han Dynasty, as unearthed from Zhaohua County of Guangyuan, and Zitong County of Mianyang, were collected in the Sichuan Fine Arts Museum of Han Pottery between 1999 and 2003. In the past, such a palm moulage was usually regarded as a decoration pattern, or what the brick - maker unconsciously left when they made and produced bricks. Using the means and techniques of the dactylography and trace examination (痕检学), the authors discuss the sex, age, oc- cupation characteristic and other questions reflected in the above - mentioned special tomb bricks. Of the 70 clear palm -prints as identified in the decorated bricks, 50 samples are males, 19 samples are females, and one sample remains obscure; 7 samples are children around ten years old, 21 samples are youths under 15 years old, and 42 samples are adults ; only 10 samples are handcraft workers or brick - makers, so it can be said that rather a part of individuals are not physical labors. The decorated bricks found in Mianyang contain both male and female, young and old, it indicates that the main partners are probably the family members of the dead. However, most of them are adult males in the decorated bricks found in Guangyuan, it means that main partners are probably the colleagues and subordinates, or the male family members of the dead.
出处 《考古与文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期64-75,共12页 Archaeology and Cultural Relics
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  • 1国家文物局编.《深圳铁仔山古墓群》.《2000中国重要考古发现》.文物出版社,2001年.82—86页.
  • 2《中国巴蜀汉代画像砖全集》.图一至一一九.
  • 3《中国巴蜀汉代画像砖全集》.图一八一至一九零.
  • 4《中国巴蜀汉代画像砖全集》.图四三四至四四二.
  • 5《中国巴蜀汉代画像砖全集》.图四九七.
  • 6《中国巴蜀汉代画像砖全集》.图四九九.
  • 7《中国巴蜀汉代画像砖全集》.图五零三.
  • 8《中国巴蜀汉代画像砖全集》.图五零七.
  • 9《中国巴蜀汉代画像砖全集》.图四九三至四九六.
  • 10《中国巴蜀汉代画像砖全集》.图四九八.










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