
无线网络中基于信道状态预测的调度算法 被引量:1

Predictive scheduling algorithm using channel states information
摘要 在蜂窝无线网络下行链路的资源调度中,无线信道的时变特点对网络的吞吐量和用户之间的公平性有很大的影响。为了达到高数据吞吐量并且同时保证用户服务质量QoS的目的,本文提出一种基于信道预测的调度算法PSUCS,该算法通过当前时隙的信道状态,预测下一个时隙的信道状态,并利用该信息,将资源调度的问题描述成求解效用函数最大的优化模型和最优的调度策略。仿真结果表明,该算法在保证公平性的前提下,有效提高了无线网络下行链路吞吐量。 In the cellular wireless network resource downlink scheduling, the network throughput and fairness have greatly affected by the channel time-varying characteristics. For achieving the object of higher data throughput while maintaining required quality of service at the same time, in this paper, we develop and use an efficient predictive scheduling algorithm namely predictive scheduling of using channel states information (PSUCS). According to use the current channel state information, PSUCS predicts the next time slot channel state information; resource scheduling is described as the largest utility function optimization model and the optimal scheduling strategy. Results of simulations are given to demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can give considerable throughput gains without compromising fairness.
作者 赵尔敦 肖静
出处 《电子测量技术》 2007年第4期59-62,共4页 Electronic Measurement Technology
基金 湖北省自然科学基金(2005ABA247) 武汉市晨光工程(20065004116-27)资助
关键词 信道预测 效用函数 调度 服务质量 channel prediction utility function scheduling Quality of Service
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