
我国农产品出口面临的食品安全危机事件实证分析——山东大蒜产业簇群案例分析 被引量:12

Rethinking of China’s Traditional Tenancy System
摘要 本文通过山东省金乡县和苍山县大蒜产业群的案例分析发现,面对出口中的食品安全危机,企业对危机的认识存在不足和不一致的情况,企业之间的水平合作意识不强,但与农民的纵向合作意识加强。高度分散的小规模农业经营模式成为农产品质量提高的障碍,土地的集体所有制为企业与农户的合作提供了一些便利,但作用有限。面对食品安全危机,解决传统贸易危机的方法已不足以应对,无论是农民、企业还是政府,都需要转换观念,进行生产方式、组织方式、管理方式和领导方式的创新。 Among the theories in history that have influenced Chinese scholars’ cognition of the development mode of China’s rural society, the theory on determinism of the tenancy system and the theory advocating harmoniousness in rural area were the most influential ones. The former stresses the effects of the tenancy system, and the latter emphasizes the importance of rural harmoniousness, regarding the whole rural area as a big warm and harmonious family. In this thesis, the author focuses his attention on the first theory. He finds that, according to the data and calculating of comparative historical statistics, quite a few of the present conclusions are wrongly-formed: landownership in Chinese history was not as concentrated as imagined, and the tenancy system was not that advanced either; the argument that the free trade among small farmers produce polarization is untenable; the so-called 'law' that both inter-dynastic and intra-dynastic landownership in history tend to concentrate is plausible; the former social injustice and crisis in history was hardly caused by the tenancy system, but by some other causes; and it is baseless to regard land ownership as the foremost problem in China’s traditional society, to ascribe China’s traditional social evils, social conflicts, and social crisis to un-equalization of land ownership, and to claim that equalizing land ownership be the main solution for the mentioned problems.
出处 《中国农村观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期41-50,共10页 China Rural Survey
基金 985中国农村发展创新基地 新世纪优秀人才支持计划及国家自然科学基金(70573117)的资助。
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