Objective To disscuss the effect and caution of PF expendable intramedullary nail based upon its clinical application for the treatment of intertrochanteric fracture. Methods Ninety-five patients of fresh intertrochanteric hip fracture admitted from March 2004 to January 2006 were reviewed retrospectively. 29 patients (all were closed-fracture) of them used PF expendable intramedullary nail, and were well followed up. There were 12 males, 17 females, with the mean age of 71.8 yeras (ranged from 65 to 97 years). According to Jensens and Michaelsen classification, 2 cases were type ⅠA, 5 were type ⅠB, 2 were type ⅡA, 12 were type ⅡB, 8 were type Ⅲ; 11 cases of them were right and 18 cases were left. Results These patients were followed up for 10.5 months in average (ranged from 6 to 19 months). All of the cases have healed well, and the mean time of bone union was about 10.1 weeks (from 8 to 12 weeks). The mean blood loss during operation was 50 ml (ranged from 40 to 80 ml); the mean time for surgery was 37.1 minutes (ranged from 30 to 55 minutes); the mean length of the operative wound was 3.5 cm (ranged from 3 to 4 cm), and the mean drainage after operation was 50 ml (ranged from 10 to 150 ml). One case had pain in root of thigh, and two cases had a little coxa vara after operation. No infection was found in all cases. Conclusion Firstly, PF expendable intramedullary nail has superior in terms of highly resistant to the rotational strength and controlling operative trauma. Secondly, despite its relatively safe than intramedullary nail system, careful inspection of radiograph preoperatively is absolutely necessary, for the purpose of knowing the medullary dimension and avoiding excessive medullary expansion. Thirdly, it is imperative for compression in a repeated, gradual and slow manner during the process of allusion. Excessive compression, violent compression and premature remove of pressure pump, which may undermine the effect of fracture fixation, are all contradicted.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics
Femoral fractures
Fracture fixation, intramedullary
Bone nails