开放和融合是网络发展的趋势。ITU提出了GII(Global Information Infrastructure)的概念模型,从企业和用户的视点描述了电信网络演进的方向,并提出了ICA(Information Communication Architecture),详细描述了GII概念模型中的中间件功能。同时,在计算机界,网格技术和Web Service技术结合,形成了OGSA(Open Grid Service Architecture)的架构。结合Web Service技术,GII、ICA的功能可以表示为Web Service的集合,网络提供给用户的服务可以是Web Service服务,或者是Web Service组合后形成的更高粒度的服务。Web Service技术和NGN结合有利于网络的融合和开放,能够在传输网络之上形成一个业务网,必将促进NGN的发展。
Open and convergence is the trend of network evolution. In the telecommunication industry, Global Information Infrastructure and Information Communication Architecture were proposed by ITU-T, which described the development of telecommunication network from the view of enterprises and users respectively. Within the Internet society, web service was introduced into Grid Computing, forming the Open Grid Service Architecture. Therefore, GⅡ and ICA could be described as aggregation of web services,while a service provided to users could be a web service or a combination of web services. The hybrid of NGN and Web Service creats a service network over transmission network, as would facilitate the develooment of NGN.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications