The heterosis and combining ability of diverse classified groups in sorghum sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench were studied by using 3 male sterile lines and 24 restorer lines and combining 72 hybrids as test materials. The results indicated that total average heterosis of seven characters was 121.5%. Thepositive heterosis of plant height and panicle length made up 98.6% and 97.1% , respectively; positive heterosis of grain yield and its components were 52.8%~81.9%, and negative heterosis of days to 50% anthesis accounted for 87.5%. The overhigh parent heterosis of plot yield, grain weight and number per panicle in diverse classified groups quite differentiated. Heterosis level and freguency of over high parent of Caudatum and Mixed were higher than Durra exeept grain number per panicle. Grain yield and its most components of SC726 14 and SC54 14 in Caudatum, SC210 14 in Durra and SC370 14 and SC110 14E in Mixed had significant and very significant effect of GCA. There were 6 male parents in Caudatum which belonged to Caudatum work group, and 4 male parents in Mixed which belonged to Zera Zera, Caudatum Kaura and Nigricans Feterita work group, respectively in 10 highest yielding hybrids. Therefore the hybrids having high heterosis may be obtained easily if the parents were selected from Caudatum and Mixed.
Liaoning Agricultural Sciences
Sorghum Classified Group Heterosis Combining Ability