设立样地对二仙岩鹅掌楸(Liriodendron chinense)群落进行了初步调查,发现二仙岩具有湖北最大的鹅掌楸群落,依据优势种原则将其分为3个群丛:鹅掌楸-锥栗+野漆树-四照花+水竹-三褶脉紫菀群丛,鹅掌楸-四照花-日本金星蕨+三褶脉紫菀草群丛,鹅掌楸-杉木-南川卫矛-三褶脉紫菀群丛;二仙岩的鹅掌楸是数量下降式种群。鹅掌楸分布在二仙岩、湖北省都具有呈东北-西南走向的特点。二仙岩是鹅掌楸原地保护和建立基因库非常适宜的地点。
The community of Liriodendron chinense in Er Xianyan,Hubei Province was investigated by setting sample sites,It was found out that the Liriodenron Chinese community in Er Xianyan are the maximal in Hubei Province;Liriodenron Chinese community was divided into 3 association type according to dominant species principle:(1)Ass.Lirio dendron chinense-Castanea henryi+Rhus succedanea-Dendrobenthamia japonica+Phyllostachys heteroclada-Aster ageratoide;(2)Ass.Liriodendron chinense-Castanea henryi-Parathelypteris japonica+Aster ageratoides;(3)Ass.Liriodendron chinense-Cunninghamia anceolata-Euonymus rosthornii-Aster ageratoides.The population of Liriodendron chinense in Er Xianyan was quantity descending,and its distribution characteristic having the memorial northeast-southwest trend in Er Xianyan and Hubei Province.Er Xianyan are the proper place to protect Liriodendron chinense in situ and to build gene pool.
Journal of Yangtze University(Nature Science Edition)