
劳动力社会关系网络构建的新视角 被引量:6

New Point of View on the Construction of Social Relation of Labor
摘要 目前我国城乡居民收入差距不断扩大,户籍制不断松动,为市场劳动力流动创造了条件。按照经典经济理论,应有很多贫困地区劳动力将迁移出来。但这点与实际却有许多不同。笔者认为社会资本特别是社会关系网络不完善,成为阻碍其流动的重要原因。并就此问题用微观分析的方法进行研究,得出农民个体很难对社会资本进行投资。完善劳动力市场机制,要求地方政府必须成为农民个体的代言人,来为其构建和完善社会关系网络,以保障劳动力迁移处于良性运行轨道。 The flow of labor inside the market is provided with prerequisites based on the enlarging difference in urban and rural income as well as the decreasing restriction on residency. According to the classic economic theory, the poorer areas lead to stronger motivation of migration; therefore more labor would migrate from those areas. But it is quite different from what reality has shown. Some researchers has pointed out that imperfection of social capital especially the net of social relation had become the main hindrance. This article mainly discusses this issue by using micro analysis method, is based on the fact that individual farmer can hardly invest to the social capital in order to perfect the labor market, therefore, draws conclusions that local government should become the representative of individual farm in order to construct and perfect the net of social relation for farmers so that the migration of labors can be ensured to be operated on the right track.. Hopefully, this article will solve the problems appeared in labor market and will not only perfect the rules of labor market but also initiate the positive factors thoroughly. In a word, we hope it will play a roll in enhancing the capacities to construct coherent socialist society.
作者 崔驰 金喜在
出处 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期102-105,共4页 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金项目(04BJL018)
关键词 社会关系网络 可信承诺 信息不对称 net of social relation reliable promise unmatched information
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