
多尺度压缩求导的一维图像边缘检测 被引量:2

Edge detection of one-dimension image on multi-scale compress derivation
摘要 为了更加精确地计算塑料薄膜缺陷的宽度,在基于小波算法的多尺度变换基础上,提出了一种用于一维图像不同尺度间的压缩求导边缘检测方法。小波变换提供图像的多尺度描述,将压缩求导应用于不同尺度间的小波域,从而可将各尺度的图像信息更加有效地合成,得到最优的边缘检测效果。该方法比以往的单纯直线拟合方法具有更好的精确度,可以有效地增强边缘和抑制噪声。对一维图像进行的实验证明该方法是正确和有效的。 In order to compute the width of defects in plastic film accurately, a multi-scale compress derivation edge detection method of one-dimension image based on wavelet multi-scale transform is presented in this paper. The wavelet transform is employed to produce the multi-scale representation of image, and compress derivation method is applied in wavelet domain of different scales. The information of images with different scales can be synthesized effectively, and an optimal result of edge detection can be acquired. This method which is more accurate than former single straight line fitting method can enhance edge and remove noise effectively, and experiments of one-dimension image show that this method is correct and effective.
出处 《电机与控制学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期287-290,297,共5页 Electric Machines and Control
关键词 小波算法 多尺度变换 压缩求导 边缘检测 wavelet algorithm multi-scale transform compress derivation edge detection
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