

Investigation on the drug addicts under compulsory administration
摘要 目的:通过对戒毒劳教人员的实地调查,客观评价吸毒的危害和对经劳教而强制戒毒提出相关建议。方法:深入湖南省衡阳市某劳教机构,对劳教戒毒人员进行调查。结果:重点调查了26位戒毒劳教人员,并对其中的5人进行了深入交谈和分析。结论:吸毒成瘾与年龄、社会地位及经济状况密切相关;吸毒影响机体多器官的功能;劳教戒毒过程中应加强技能培训和科学管理。 Objectives: To evaluate the hazard of drug addiction objectively and give some advice to the administration in the charge of compulsory station through investigation on the drug addicts under the compulsory administration. Methods: Conducting the concrete interview in a compulsory station located in Hengyang, Hunan province. Results: Our investigation was based primarily upon 26 drug addicts, and then we analyzed five cases profoundly by in-depth interview. There is an intimate correlation between the drug addiction and age, society status, economic state of the drug addicts. Also, functions of many organs can be affected by drug addiction. Conclusions: enhancement of vocational training and scientific management should be taken in the process of compulsory administration to the drug addicts.
出处 《中国药物滥用防治杂志》 CAS 2007年第3期129-130,共2页 Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
基金 中南大学2006年本科教改项目资助。
关键词 吸毒 劳教管理 调查 drug addict compulsory administration Investigation
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