
水动力作用下太湖底泥的再悬浮通量 被引量:33

Resuspended flux of sediment in Taihu Lake under hydrodynamic action
摘要 对太湖梅梁湾水体开展了两次野外实验,利用沉积物捕获器收集沉积物,研究了太湖悬浮物的沉降特征,计算了悬浮物的沉降通量和再悬浮通量,并建立了其与风速的关系。结果表明:太湖无机颗粒沉降是悬浮物沉降的主要形式。太湖平均风速在8m/s以内时,总悬浮物、有机物颗粒和无机物颗粒的沉降通量和再悬浮通量均呈现随风速增大而增大的特性,风速大小直接影响悬浮物在垂向的分布及垂向的沉降通量分布,并且相关性较好。该结论说明Gansith公式法适合于计算太湖再悬浮通量。 The water quality in Mailiang Bay of the Taihu Lake was tested in spring of 2005. The suspension samples were obtained by using sediment trap and the settling characteristics of suspension matter were studied. The sediment settling flux and resuspended flux were calculated according to the observation data by using Gansith formula, and the relationships between these fluxes and wind speed were established. It is found that the most part of the settling matter was organic particles. The settling flux and resuspended flux of the total suspended matter, organic particles and inorganic particles were increased with the increase of wind speed, if the wind speed is lower than 8m/s. The vertical distribution of suspended matter and settling flux were affected by wind speed.
出处 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期558-564,共7页 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50579015 40601050) 国家"863"项目(2003AA6011002)
关键词 沉降通量 再悬浮 底泥 沉积物捕获器 太湖 sedimentation settling flux resuspendion flux wind speed Taihu Lake
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