
个人信息的财产权保护 被引量:300

Proprietary Right Protection of Personal Information
摘要 个人信息是指那些据此能够直接或间接推断出特定自然人身份而又与公共利益没有直接关系的私有信息。个人信息财产权是主体对其个人信息的商业价值进行支配的一种新型财产权,它能且只能存在于对个人信息进行商业性使用的条件下。在信息时代,个人信息具有潜在的商业价值故而都应该受到财产权的保护;对个人信息进行确权应该根据其体现的价值而定,当其维护主体人格利益时,应该给予其人格权的保护;当其维护主体财产利益时,就应该给予其财产权保护。 Personal information refers to any private information which refers directly or indirectly to the identification of certain natural person but has no immediate connection with public interest. Property right in personal information is a new kind of property right according to which the subject can control the commercial value of his personal information; therefore it is limited to the context of commercial utilization of personal information. In the information age, personal information gradually possesses potential commercial value thus it deserves to get proprietary protection. Theoretically, personal information shall be understood and protected based on the value it represents, i. e., to give it protection of personal right when it safeguards the subject's personal interest, and to give it proprietary protection when it safeguards the subject's property interest.
作者 刘德良
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期80-91,共12页 Chinese Journal of Law
关键词 个人信息 人格权保护 财产权保护 personal information, protection of personal right, protection of proprietary right
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