Objective In an attempt to investigate clinical significance and relationship between ventricular premature beat and origin, we studied origin of ventricular premature beat. Methods To evalualed protopathic relationship of among each groups of ventricular premature beat, bssed on origin of ventricular premature bear, the 305 cases patients were sepauated 8 groups. Results The results showed that incidences of ventricular premature beat were obvious higher right ventricular than left ventricular among no cardiopath groups , incidences of right ventricular and left ventricular were similar in cardiaopath groups, incendences of ventricular premature beat of right ventricular and left ventricular occured in cardiopath. Incidences were inequality among each age, class, cardiopaths. Conclusion The studies indicates that quality of ventricular premature beat were not correlated with origin of ventricular premature beat ,the clinical significance of ventricular premature beat were ascertained by synthesis and analyses of combining clincal dats. There are clinical significance in organic cardiopaths with fequent ventricular premature beat, multifocal ventricular premature beat, multiformed ventricular premature beat, paired ventricular premature beat, ventricular tachycardia.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
Ventricula premature beat Electrocardiogram