
个人和公司对财产保险需求的经济学比较分析 被引量:1

An Economics Comparative Study on Demands for Property Insurance of Individuals and Companies
摘要 个人和公司对风险态度的不同,决定了个人和公司在财产保险的需求动力方面截然不同。另外,把资产组合理论应用到公司对财产保险的需求会产生一个悖论。分别从个人和公司两个角度,对其风险态度、最优保险需求以及影响各自保险需求的因素等方面进行经济学比较分析,结果表明,个人对财产保险的需求来源于其自身厌恶风险的态度,影响其保险需求的主要因素为其效用函数的形状、附加保费;公司对财产保险的需求并不是自身规避风险的需要,但公司购买保险会对公司预期现金流的增加有间接影响,影响公司财产保险需求的主要因素有预期破产成本、增长机会、公司规模等。 Individuals and companies have different approaches to risks, which determines that drivers for property insurance demands are different between individuals and companies. Moreover, applying the asset allocation theory to corporate demands for property insurance is not well justified. The comparative study on individual and company's approaches to risks, their optimal insurance demands and factors affecting their insurance demands show that individual demands for property insurance is driven by their aversion to risks and factors affecting their demands are mainly the shape of effectiveness function and additional premiums. In contrast, corporate demands are not driven by their needs of risk prevention. However, purchase of insurance will have indirect impact on the expected cash flow of an enterprise, therefore factors affecting corporate demands for property insurance are mainly expected cost of bankruptcy, growth opportunities and corporate size, etc.
作者 王珺
出处 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期39-43,共5页 Insurance Studies
关键词 个人 公司 风险态度 保险需求 individuals companies risk approach insurance demands
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