
二语习得中“心理词典”的建构及策略研究 被引量:2

The Construction of Mental Lexicon and the Strategy About Learning of Second Language
摘要 心理词典的概念自20世纪60年代由Treisman提出后,90年代后已被广泛地运用于二语习得研究中。本文围绕二语习得中双语心理词典,对如何促进二语习得中“心理词典”的建构及如何形成策略进行了研究和评述,以期对实际的学习和教学提供帮助。 The concept of mental lexicon was advanced by Treisman since 1960' s, it was applied extensively to the study of the second language learning. In this thesis, some principal problems of mental lexicon about the second language learning were reviewed, which as follows, bilingual mental lexicon, the construction of mental lexicon, etc. Moreover, the construction and strategy of mental lexicon was studied and commented in this thesis. It was expected which would promote the learning of the second language to afford the assistance to practical teaching and studying.
作者 胡雅宁
出处 《湖北教育学院学报》 2007年第3期80-82,共3页 Journal of Hubei Institute of Education
关键词 心理词典 二语习得 意义建构 策略 mental lexicon learning of second language construction strategy
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