

On Theoretic Origins and Clinical Application of Five kinds of TCM Therapy I Originated Abroad
摘要 积数十年临床经验而创立发展的中医《五大疗法》,即针灸疗法,中药疗法,推拿、整姿疗法、武功体育疗法和饮食疗法。根据中医经典著作中阴阳对立统一学说和整体观念而创立的“对比检查法”、“司外揣内”诊察法及其理论基础和临床意义。探讨“生命医学”的新观念,其中保持生命(摄生)在于“武功体育疗法”补其先天;强健后天之本在于“饮食疗法”的调摄。中医药学走向世界的关键在于把中医药学与各国的人文地理、风俗相结合。中医药学是“仁人之术”,医生必须做到“仁爱为怀”,重视医德伦理的教育和修养锻炼。 On the basis of personal clinical experience accumulate1 over the past several decades the author of this paper originated five methods in TCM treatment,including acupuncture therapy Chinese herbal remedies,massothera-py, physical therapy (esp by practising martial arts) ,and diet therapy. And some representations on how to use these methods have been given in this paper. In addition,according to theory of inter depenlence between Yin and Yang and concept of wholism in TCM, the author originated two diagnostic methods (i.e a method of examing of the structural symmetry of the body and an examination of finding out whether internal organs are in the state of health. ) and discussed their theoretic foundation and clinical significance in this paper. On health preserving some new views are put forward in the paper.The most effective way to tonify the kidnsy,the author points out, is to practise martial arts,and to invigorate spleen and stomach is to keep your diet taking care . On proPagating abroad of knowielge of TCM, the author considered it great significant to combine the basic principles of TCM with the culture, customs anl geographical conlition; of each coun-ry.Finally, the paper made a point of valuing education of medical morality and showing deep solicitade for patients during the time of practising medicine.
作者 黄仑
出处 《甘肃中医学院学报》 1990年第1期4-14,57-60,共11页 Journal of Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
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