目的探讨脑脊液中β2微球蛋白(β2-microglobulin,β2-MG)在小儿脑炎发病机制中的作用及其临床意义。方法采用微粒子酶免分析法测定32例脑炎患儿脑脊液(cerebrospinal fluid,CSF)β2-MG。结果脑炎患儿急性期CSFβ2-MG明显高于正常小儿,恢复期下降。重症患儿CSFβ2-MG明显高于轻症。结论CSFβ2-MG测定对于小儿脑炎有一定诊断、鉴别诊断和判断预后价值。
Objective To discuss the function and clinical significance of β2 - MG in cerebraspinal fluid of encephalitis in children. Methods CSF β2 - MG of 32 cases of such patient wes detected for CSF β2 - MG with micro - particle enzyme immunoassay. Results In the acute stage the CSF β2- MG was higher than the normal children and decreased in the convalescent stage. The detected data in severe case was higher than that in slight case. Conclusion There might be a definite diagnostic and differential diagnostic value for children encephalitis in diagnosis, differential diagnosis and assessment of prognosis.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal