
基于Harr小波的彩色图像可逆水印算法 被引量:10

Reversible Watermarking Algorithm for Color Images Based on Harr Wavelet Transform
摘要 提出一种基于Harr小波的无损图像水印算法。对RGB图像的B通道进行一维行Harr小波变换,采取闭环控制,选择嵌入水印后不会发生溢出的像素,自适应地修改其高频子带系数以嵌入水印。实验证明,该算法具有嵌入容量大、透明性好的特性。水印提取无须原始图像,并且可无损恢复原始图像。 Abstract: This paper proposed a lossless digital watermarking algorithm based on Harr wavelet transform, which could recover the original image without any distortion from the marked image after the watermark had been extracted. The selection of wavelet coefficient based on Hart wavelet inverse transformation was to prevent grayscales from possible overflow/underflow of 0-255 that might take place due to the data embedding. This algorithm hided the watermark into coefficients in high frequency sub-band of B color component. Experimental results show that it can embed much more data compared with the existing reversible data hiding techniques. The imperceptibility requirement is satisfied and blind retrieval of the embedded watermark data is also achieved.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期165-166,169,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60373062 60573045) 高校博士点基金资助项目(20050532007) 湖南省教育厅青年基金资助项目(04B016)
关键词 数字水印 无损 彩色图像 小渡变换 digital watermarking lossless color images wavelet transform
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