一、《内经》古诊脉法中的未解之谜 在传世本的《黄帝内经素问》一书中曾保留了一种古老的在人体小腿部诊脉方法的文字记载。但是由于原文文字有所脱损改易,因而这种方法一直未能得到确切解释,而成为长期以来未解之谜。这段文字的原文见于该书的《三部九候论》一篇中。其原文是: “以左手足上,上去踝五寸按之,庶右手足当踝而弹之。其应过五寸以上蠕蠕然者不病;其应疾,中手浑浑然者病;
In The Familiar Conversation from the Emperor' s Canon of Medicine the method of feeling the pulse on shand had been written down. Because original book had been corrected and damaged in the past ages, so the means of this ancient diagnostic method have never been described exactly. Nowadays, we also can not use the method. In this paper, the author, based on a lot of data, has maden a textual research and a brilliant exposition for the method.
Journal of Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine