Objective: The purpose of this project was to introduce the new type of implant-distraction device and validate the effects of osteogenesis, to investigate the mechanisms of distraction osteogenesis, to build the rabbits model of vertical mandibular alveolar rideg augrnentatior~ Methods: Twenty rabbits, were randomly divide into 4 groups, each group comprising 5 rabbits. A box-shaped osteotomy on the random side of the alveolar bone were carried out and a implant-distraction apparatus was placed. After five days, the alveolar ridge was vertically augmented at the rate of 1.0mm/d and the frequency of 2/d by rotating implant-distraction for 4 days. At the point of 1 week,2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks of DO, five rabbits were killed, and histological and radiographical evaluations were carried out. Results: During the distraction period, all dental implant-distraction apparatus obtained good healing except one failed for inflammation. The alveolar ridge was vertically augmented 3. 26mm on average. The radiolucency in the distraction site disappeared in 6 weeks. Conclusions: The dental implant-diatraction device in this study have excellent performance in vertical alveolar ridge augmentation with its small bulk. The rabbit model have a characteristic of low cost,and repeatable.
Journal of Mathematical Medicine
distraction osteogenesis
dental implant
aloeolar bone