
滩地13个杨树无性系遗传多样性的RAPD分析 被引量:4

Genetic Diversity of Poplar Clones Using RAPD Markers
摘要 利用RAPD分子标记手段,研究杨树无性系的遗传多样性。在探讨杨树叶片基因组DNA提纯方法和优化PCR扩增反应体系的基础上,采用18个引物对13个杨树无性系的基因组DNA进行扩增;每个引物扩增的DNA片段数为1~14个,共产生126条带,其中多态带53条,占42%,平均每个引物扩增出3条多态带。结果表明:通过对126条谱带的聚类,分析了供试杨树无性系的系统发育,并通过比较各品种间的特异带或特征带的差异进行无性系鉴别和测定,运用特殊谱带,建立了杨树无性系的分子检索表。 In this experimentation, the genetic diversity of poplar clones was studied by RAPD markers. The total DNA were extracted following a modification of CTAB method with some adjustments, influential parameters were optimized and the reaction system of PCR amplification was improved. On the basis of them, the genetic diversity of 13 poplar clones was studied by RAPD amplification with 18 primers. Each primer can produce 1 to 14 pieces of DNA fragments, of the total, 126 fragments were amplified. Among these, the number of polymorphic bands were 53, which occupied 42%, each primer can amplify 3 bands on average. It revealed that phylogenetic relationship was analyzed through cluster of bands in 126 amplified loci, RAPD analysis can examine lots of variations. Clone can be distinguished and purity can be measured by special bands. Molecular checking index was put forward according to special bands.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2007年第6期222-226,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 安徽省科技厅自然基金项目"滩地黑杨派杨树品系耐水淹分子标记的选择研究"(03041109)
关键词 杨树无性系 滩地 RAPD分子标记 遗传多样性 Poplar clone, Beach, RAPD markers, Genetic diversity
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